Kalimat Passive Voice: Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh

Minggu, 22 Oktober 2023 - 13:27 WIB
Contoh: Will have been created

Biasanya, kalimat passive voice dengan menggunakan perfect continuous tense jarang digunakan karena menghasilkan struktur kalimat yang rumit dan sulit untuk dipahami. Sebaiknya penggunaan perfect continuous tense dihindari, walaupun secara tata bahasa benar.

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice

1. The project will have been completed by Ara before the deadline.

2. The party has been prepared well by them.

3. A coat was worn by my mom.

4. A ticket to the NCT concert would be bought by Mira.

5. A beautiful dinner is going to be made by him.

6. I noticed that a window had been left open.

7. Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.
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