7 Contoh Anecdote Text dalam Bahasa Inggris Berbagai Tema, Simpel dan Lengkap

Kamis, 21 Desember 2023 - 13:57 WIB
Instead of distancing myself, I chose to listen and offer support. The train journey turned into a transformative experience, highlighting the power of empathy.


The unforgettable train journey emphasized the impact of human connections and the importance of being present for one another.

Baca juga: Perbedaan Instead dan Instead of dalam Bahasa Inggris, Cara Menggunakan, Juga Contohnya

6. The Misadventure with Technology


A misadventure with technology taught me valuable lessons about resilience and adapting to unexpected challenges.


An attempt to navigate a complex new gadget left me frustrated and confused. What was meant to be a seamless integration turned into a technological nightmare.

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