20 Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tense, Pahami Polanya
Jum'at, 06 Desember 2024 - 09:12 WIB
7. The team had won the championship before the season ended
Artinya : Tim itu sudah memenangkan kejuaraan sebelum musim berakhir8. Jessica had learned to speak Spanish before she went to Spain
Artinya : Jessica telah belajar berbicara bahasa Spanyol sebelum pergi ke Spanyol9. They had completed the project before the deadline
Artinya : Mereka sudah menyelesaikan proyek sebelum batas waktu10. Samuel had already packed his bags before I arrived
Artinya : Samuel sudah membungkus tasnya sebelum saya tiba11. We had studied for the exam before the teacher gave it to us
Artinya : Kami sudah belajar untuk ujian sebelum guru memberikannya kepada kami12. I had already sent the email before he called
Artinya : Saya sudah mengirim email sebelum dia menelepon13. Mom had cooked dinner before her friends arrived
Artinya : Ibu sudah memasak makan malam sebelum teman-temannya tiba14. They had cleaned the house before the party started
Artinya : Mereka sudah membersihkan rumah sebelum pesta dimulai
15. He had finished his work before he left the office
Artinya : Dia telah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya sebelum meninggalkan kantorLihat Juga :
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