Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri, dan Contoh Analytical Exposition Text

Rabu, 11 Oktober 2023 - 07:23 WIB
Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri, dan Contoh Analytical Exposition Text
Analytical exposition text adalah teks argumentatif yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan pandangan penulis mengenai suatu isu. Foto/SINDOnews.
JAKARTA - Analytical exposition text adalah teks argumentatif yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan pandangan penulis mengenai suatu isu dan berusaha meyakinkan pembaca mengenai isu tersebut, agar memberikan sudut pandang berbeda kepada pembaca. Analytical exposition text bisa ditemukan di artikel koran, jurnal, karya ilmiah , dan sebagainya.

Analytical exposition text memiliki 3 struktur, yakni thesis, arguments, dan reiteration/conclusion. Thesis merupakan bagian yang menjadi topik utama dari yang ingin kamu utarakan, kamu bisa menulis berbagai alasan dari latar belakang masalah agar tercipta opini yang kuat.

Arguments adalah bagian untuk mengekspresikan berbagai pendapat mengenai topik yang dibahas. Biasanya, analytical exposition text memiliki lebih dari satu argumen dengan tujuan agar pembaca yakin bahwa topik yang dibicarakan sangat penting. Pastikan argumenmu sesuai dengan bagian thesis sebelumnya dan hindari menulis opini yang melenceng dari topik yang dibahas.

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Conclusion atau reiteration merupakan paragraf yang berisi mengenai penegasan kembali posisi dan pendapat penulis pada topik pertama. Pada bagian ini, kamu bisa mengisi kesimpulan dari argumen yang kamu tulis sebelumnya. Conclusion bertujuan untuk memudahkan pembaca memahami isi dari opini tersebut.

Ciri-Ciri Analytical Exposition Text

- Menggunakan kata-kata yang bersifat argumentatif, seperti because, since, in order to, dan for example.
- Menggunakan fakta dan data untuk mendukung argumen.
- Menggunakan kalimat yang kompleks untuk mengekspresikan ide-ide yang kompleks.
- Menggunakan konjungsi untuk menghubungkan ide-ide yang berbeda.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text

1. Contoh Teks 1


I believe that the homeschooling system is not the best education system. However, many parents believe that no other education systems are better than homeschooling. But I think this education system won’t wrap the entire learning aspects that usually are reached by formal schools, like the socialization, learning process, and kids’ self-development.


Learning process given by the school is about how to understand the content or material of every single subject. It is also about how to experience what happens in the surroundings directly. Homeschooling students will only decide which pace that they really want the most and which subject they will learn deeper than the other subjects. Also, homeschooling students will only socialize with family and people around them. Those students won’t encounter anything bad and they won’t learn how to react to something bad around them. Finally, the homeschooling program with one to one learning won’t guarantee that the students have an excellent development to face the real future. Those students won’t know how to control the problem and face any problem. They are all surrounded by good things and safety provided by the parents and family.


The homeschooling educational system won’t make the students successfully educated. This new educational system is like a controller for the development of the students. It shows us that homeschooling is not the option to educate or teach kids.

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2. Contoh Teks 2


In a super busy morning, many people tend to leave the house without getting their breakfast. This is bad since breakfast brings a lot of benefits. Below are the most important reasons to have breakfast.


Having breakfast is going to help you feel more focused throughout the day. When you study at school without having breakfast before, you will lose your focus during the lesson. Breakfast is like fuel that will keep you ready and active until lunchtime. Besides, breakfast will also give your brains the entire essential energy in order to focus and function better on your tasks. Having breakfast is also going to help you control your appetite. By skipping your breakfast, you will end up snacking throughout the day until lunchtime. Do you need those extra calories?


Based on the details above, breakfast will help you be more focused. Having breakfast will also keep you healthier since it will help you control your appetite. Make sure you get breakfast every morning and don’t you ever skip your breakfast.

3. Contoh Teks 3


Children all around the world are getting fatter and fatter. The lifestyle adopted by those kids makes this trend worse. How can you help them become healthier? There is no better way to help those kids than involving them in sports.

Arguments: Sports will keep your kids active, strong, healthy, and fit. Kids’ bodies need daily exercise every single day. Scientists have shown that kids who play some sports have better health than those who don’t. There are so many types of sports that your kids can choose. Netball and soccer can be the best option for winter. And for summer, cricket and softball are the best ideas. You can also help your kids to enjoy some other sports like basketball, tennis, and gymnastics all year round. No matter where you live or what you like, there is always sport for everyone. Sports will also help your kids to make new friends. They need friends to do some sports. By meeting their friends, your kids will be able to learn how to conduct teamwork and trust each other.

Conclusion: Your kids will be healthier and will love sports if you introduce them to fun sports in their early ages. Sports will also bring them some new friends and learn many things.

4. Contoh Teks 4


In this practical era, people in a city tend to consume fast food. Some of them have no time to cook or make their own meals. Besides its efficiency, fast food is considered to be more delicious and prestigious than traditional food such as ketoprak, pecel or gado-gado However, many experts consider that fast food is not good for our health. In the 1940's, fast food found popularity in the United States Fast food restaurants spread rapidly within a few years Oddly, obesity and cancer started to rise at the same time.

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Fast food contains so many additives. To ensure low-costs, they are made with highly processed ingredients to give extended life, to maintain consistency, and to make it more delicious, the original healthy form has to be altered. Calories in fast food do not damage health, but chemical additives do such as monosodium glutamate and aspartame. Studies show that fast food contains chemical additives. Thus, there is absolutely no nutrition in fast food. Fast food only satisfies hunger and cravings.

Conclusion: In conclusion, fast food is not good for our health.

5. Contoh Teks 5


Do you agree with the saying that music is one of the most important aspects of our lives? Yes, I agree. Music definitely has a significant role in our daily activities. There are several reasons why music is everywhere. First of all, music is a way to express what we feel For instance, when we fall in love, we tend to listen to love songs. Another example is when we feel sad, we would listen to melancholy music, and sometimes we purposefully immerse ourselves in our emotion. it also happens when we are happy, we tend to choose cheerful songs.


Secondly, mussic helps us to reminisce about past experiences. A person's favorite song could act as a documentary for that person People with impaired brain function, like Alzheimer's, would remember the details of songs they are familiar with For instance, an elderly woman who couldn't even remember her husband's name would remember the details of how her favorite song influenced her feelings. When she listened to the music, she would associate it with the emotion that came along with the music It made the song memorable for her.


Finally, music can motivate people to make significant changes in the world and make it a better place A song with powerful lyrics could move people to do something about the problem implied in the song As an example, we can see it in Michael Jackson's "Heal the World". The lyrics empower the people of the world. So, try to imagine that a world without music would be blan.

MG/Shandya Pricilla
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