15 Contoh Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Komponen yang Harus Ada di Dalamnya

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024 - 08:01 WIB
15 Contoh Perkenalan...
Beberapa contoh perkenalan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris akan disajikan dalam artikel ini. Foto/Istimewa.
JAKARTA - Beberapa contoh perkenalan diri dalam Bahasa Inggris akan disajikan dalam artikel ini. Perkenalan diri ini penting dilakukan, bukan hanya sebagai informasi bagi lawan bicara namun juga untuk pembuka percakapan kedepannya.

Mungkin setiap orang sudah terbiasa memperkenalkan diri menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan, namun ada kalanya seseorang harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk memperkenalkan diri.

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Karena itu tata cara perkenalan diri dalam bahasa Inggris ini penting. Sebelum masuk ke contoh, alangkah baiknya untuk mengetahui apa-apa saja yang harus ada ketika memperkenalkan diri.

4 Komponen Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Gunakan Sapaan

- Hello! (Halo!)
- Hi! (Hai!)
- Hi everyone. Good afternoon! (Halo semua! Selamat siang!)
- Hi everybody! (Halo semua!)

2. Sampaikan Maksud

- Let me introduce myself… (Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri saya…)
- I would like to introduce myself… (Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya…)
- I’m right here to introduce myself… (Saya di sini untuk memperkenalkan diri saya…)

3. Memulai dengan Memberitahu Nama

- My full name is…. (Nama lengkapku adalah….)
- My name is… (Namaku adalah….)
- I’m…. (Saya….)
- People usually call me.. (Orang-orang biasa memanggilku..)
- You can call me…. (Kamu bisa memanggilku…)

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4. Gunakan Kalimat Penutup

- That’s all from me (Itu saja dari saya)
- Thank you for your attention (Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda)
- Pleased to meet you! (Senang berkenalan denganmu!)
- Glad to see you (Senang bertemu denganmu)
- Nice to meet you! (Senang bertemu denganmu)

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15 Contoh Perkenalan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. "Hello! My name is (Namamu). I’m from (Tempat tinggal), and I’m (Usia) years old. I’m currently working as a (Pekerjaan) or studying (Sekolah/asal sekolah). I enjoy (Hobby). Nice to meet you!"

2. "Good morning, everyone! My name is (Namamu), and I’m excited to join the team as a (Posisi Pekerjaan). I have experience in (Pengalaman kerja) and I’m looking forward to contributing to the success of this company. Let’s work together to achieve great things!"

3. "Hi, everyone! My name is (Namamu), and I’m in (Kelas). I’m passionate about (Pelajaran favorit), and I hope we can have a great time learning together this year. Looking forward to getting to know you all!"

4. "Thank you for having me today. My name is (Namamu), and I have (Tahun pengalaman) experience in (Tempat kerja). I am skilled in (Skil), and I believe I can bring valuable insights to your company. I’m eager to learn more about this role and how I can contribute."

5. "Hi there! I’m (Namamu), and I just moved to (Kota). I love (Hobby), and I’m excited to meet new people here. It’s great to be part of this event, and I hope we can have some great conversations!"

6. "Hello, everyone! I’m (Namamu), and I’m a professional in (Tempat kerja). I’m here to learn, share, and network with fellow professionals. I’m looking forward to exchanging ideas and making connections during this conference."

7. "Hi! My name is (Namamu), and I’m new to this group. I’ve always been interested in (Hobby), so I thought it would be great to join this community. I’m looking forward to learning and sharing experiences with you all."

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8. "Good afternoon, everyone. I’m (Namamu), and I’m leading the (Nama project) project. I’ve been working in (Tempat kerja) for (Tahun), and I’m excited to collaborate with all of you to make this project a success."

9. "Hey, everyone! I’m (Namamu), and I’m majoring in (Nama prodi) here at (Nama universitas). I’m really interested in (Pelajaran favorit), and I’m looking forward to making the most of my time here."

10. "Hello! My name is (Namamu), and I work as a (Profesi) at (Perusahaan). I’m passionate about (Industri), and I’m always looking to connect with like-minded professionals. It’s a pleasure to be here and meet you all."

11. "Hi, everyone! I’m (Namamu), and I’m joining this group from (Tempat tinggal). I work as a (Pekerjaan), and I’m here to learn more about (Perusahaan). I’m looking forward to collaborating and connecting with you all virtually!"

12. "Hello! My name is (Namamu), and I’m participating in this training to enhance my skills in (Perusahaan). I’ve been working in (Industri) for a few years, and I’m excited to learn new things and apply them in my career."

13. "Hi there! I’m (Namamu), and I love (Hobby). I’ve been doing it for a few years, and it’s always exciting to meet others who share the same passion. Looking forward to exchanging tips and stories with you all!"

14. "Good day, everyone. My name is (Namamu), and I have a background in (Perusahaan). I’ve worked in (Industri) for (Tahun), and I’m here today to share my expertise on [Specific Topic]. I’m honored to be here and look forward to engaging with you."

15. "Hi! I’m (Namamu) from (Negara), and I’m thrilled to be part of this global community. I work as a (Pekerjaan) and have been involved in (Perusahaan) for (Tahun). I’m excited to learn from different perspectives and share my own experiences."

Itulah beberapa contoh perkenalan diri menggunakan bahasa Inggris , semoga contoh-contoh ini dapat membantu. Contoh di atas juga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan situasi tertentu.
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