Mengenal Descriptive Text: Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh

Jum'at, 27 Oktober 2023 - 07:06 WIB
Descriptive text merupakan jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan atau menggambarkan suatu hal. Foto/
JAKARTA - Descriptive text merupakan jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan atau menggambarkan suatu hal, seperti orang, tempat, hewan, atau suatu benda.

Tujuan dari Descriptive Text adalah untuk menggambarkan sesuatu secara detail dan jelas yang menjadi topik tulisan.

Descriptive text juga memiliki struktur yang membedakannya dengan teks lainnya. Berikut struktur descriptive text yang wajib untuk diikuti.

Berikut Struktur Descriptive Text

1. Identification (Identifikasi)

Merupakan bagian pendahuluan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran umum dari suatu objek atau topik kepada para pembaca sebelum dideskripsikan lebih detail dan jelas.

2. Description (Deskripsi)

Merupakan bagian isi yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan suatu objek atau topik yang ingin diceritakan penulis secara rinci.

Baca juga: Kalimat Passive Voice: Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh

Berikut Contoh Descriptive Text Singkat

1. My Classroom


This is my classroom. My classroom is big, neat and clean.


It is about 10 x 9 meters. The wall color is white. There are four glass doors and 6 windows. There are thirty desks for students and two desks for teachers. One teacher desk is in front of the class and another one is in the back. The students’ desks are gray and light blue. While the teachers’ desks are white and brown. All desks are made of wood and iron. There are two bookshelves and two whiteboards in front of the class. I feel really comfortable studying in my classroom.

2. Morty My Little Bunny


I have a cute little bunny, named Morty. I adopted Morty when he was two months old.


My bunny has four little cute feet and he likes to jump to my bed. His ears are long and usually his ears like to cover his chubby cheeks. His fur is brown and unlike other rabbits, Morty’s favorite food is bananas. Whenever I eat a banana, he will run and jump to me, so he can take a bite. Now, Morty is three months old and he can jump even higher than the first day I took him home.

3. Scorpions


This is one of the largest of the insect tribe. It is met with in different countries, and of various sizes, from two or three inches to nearly a foot in length: it somewhat resembles a lobster, and casts its skin, as the lobster does its shell.


Scorpions are common in hot countries: they are very bold and watchful: when anything approaches, they erect their tails, and stand ready to inflict the dire sting.

In some parts of Italy and France, they are among the greatest pests that plague mankind: they are very numerous, and are most common in old houses, in dry or decayed walls, and among furniture, insomuch that it is attended with, much danger to remove the same: their sting is generally a very deadly poison, though not in all cases, owing to a difference of malignity of different animals, or some other cause.

In the time of the children of Israel, scorpions were a plague in Egypt and Canaan, as appears by the sacred writings.

4. My Lovely Dog

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