6 Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris yang Mudah untuk Dipraktikkan

Minggu, 29 Oktober 2023 - 16:27 WIB
6 Contoh Teks Dialog...
Contoh-contoh teks dialog dalam bahasa Inggris berbagai tema. Foto/Kalbis Institute.
JAKARTA - Teks dialog bahasa Inggris merupakan bentuk komunikasi verbal atau percakapan yang melibatkan dua orang atau lebih. Dialog terdiri dari dua komponen utama yaitu, Speaker atau orang yang berbicara dan Listener atau orang yang mendengar.

Dialog juga dapat terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti wawancara, percakapan drama, bahkan percakapan sehari-hari antar manusia.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, dialog berarti Conversation, suatu pertukaran informasi atau gagasan dari satu orang ke orang lain. Conversation bersifat bebas. Segala jenis percakapan yang dilakukan dengan bahasa Inggris dapat dianggap Conversation.

Baca juga: 6 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Beserta Strukturnya

Jenis-Jenis Teks Dialog dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Structural Conversation

Grammar merupakan unsur yang sangat penting dalam sebuah percakapan khususnya pada jenis Structural Conversation ini. Dalam Structural Conversation harus menggunakan grammar yang sesuai.

2. Functional Conversation

Functional Conversation merupakan jenis dialog bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk membentuk kemampuan seseorang dalam memfungsikan suatu bahasa sesuai dengan keadaan.

3. Situational Conversation

Situational Conversation merupakan penggunaan bahasa sesuai dengan situasi saat itu. Kita diajarkan untuk menggunakan bahasa sesuai dengan tempat dan situasinya, seperti ketika sedang berada di kantor polisi pasti berbeda dengan saat kita sedang berada di supermarket.

6 Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris

1. Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris saat Berada di Cafe

Waiter: “Hello, welcome to our cafe. Let me lead you to your seat.”
Jhonny: “Thank you. Can you give me the menu?”
Waiter: “Sure, here’s the menu.”
Jhonny: “Ok. I would like an iced pink tea, please.”
Waiter: “Sure. Would you like to add toppings like peach jelly or whipped cream?”
Jhonny: “No peach jelly, just whipped cream.”
Waiter: “Ok. Would you like to order any food? We have 50 percent off for today’s menu.”
Jhonny: “Cool, I want a beef burger, please.”
Waiter: “Sure. Do you want chilli sauce on the side?”
Jhonny: “No, just tomato sauce.”
Waiter: “Noted, so it’s fifty five thousand rupiah. For now, we only accept cashless payment.”
Jhonny: “Ok. Here’s my debit card.”
Waiter: “Thank you. Here’s your food, enjoy!”

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2. Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Menonton Film

Glen : Would you like to watch a movie?
Helena : Sure, what movie would you like to see?
Glen : How about a horror film?
Helena : No way! I don’t like scary movies. Can we watch a comedy instead?
Glen : Ok, maybe something funny or even an action movie.
Helena : Sounds good.

3. Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Tolong Menolong

Poetry: “Hi Rie, how are you? You look sad today.”
Arie: “Hi Poet, I’m fine.”
Poetry: “Don’t lie. If you’re having trouble, you can tell me.”
Arie: “Yeah, actually, I’m having a hard time. My mother is currently being treated at the hospital. She needs surgery immediately. But I don’t have the money to pay the administration.”
Poetry: “Oh my God, I’m sorry for your mother’s current condition. What’s wrong with your mother?”
Arie: “There’s a tumour near her neck, Poet.”
Poetry: “Oh my god, I hope the surgery goes well. About the administrative costs, you don’t have to worry. I can help you.”
Arie: “But the total bill is not small, Poet. I’m afraid I can’t afford it.”
Poetry: “Don’t worry about that. Now we have to think about your mother. Come on, let’s go to the hospital.”
Arie: “Are you serious, Poet?”
Poetry: “Of course! I’m your best friend, so I have to help you.”
Arie: “Thank you very much, Poet. You are very nice.”
Poetry: “You’re welcome, Rie."

4. Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Pekerjaan

Dustin : What a long day at work, I’m ready to relax.
Luna : What is your job, Dustin?
Dustin : I am a sales person, I sell cars. Do you have a job?
Luna : Yeah, I teach students in elementary school.
Dustin : Do you like your work?
Luna : Yes, but sometimes my students don’t listen, it can be very stressful.
Dustin : I know what it’s like, I received a promotion recently. I am a manager and being in charge of other staff can be stressful.

5. Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan

Student: “Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. I wanted to ask your opinion about the importance of education in today’s society.”
Teacher: “Hello, that’s a great question. In my opinion, education is incredibly important because it provides individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in life.”
Student: “I definitely agree with that. But do you think formal education, like going to school, is the only way to get a good education?”
Teacher: “Not necessarily. While formal education can provide a structured learning environment, there are many other ways to learn, such as through personal experiences, self-education, and informal learning opportunities.”
Student: “That’s a great point. I think it’s important for individuals to have access to various learning opportunities and to take advantage of them to continue learning and growing.”

6. Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Hemat Energi

Safira: “Intan! It’s noon. Why is your room light still on?”
Intan: “Sorry, I haven’t gotten out of bed since this morning, Fir.”
Safira: “You can’t do that, Tan. Look, your computer is still on. So even though it’s not in use, the lights are still on.”
Intan: “Is there any problem? I’m still paying for electricity.”
Safira: “That’s not the case. We have to save energy. You know we live in an era of global warming.”
Intan: “Yes, I know.”
Safira: “If you already know, start to change your bad habits.”
Intan: “Ok, I will start saving energy for the future of our earth.”
Safira: “Well, that’s it!”.

Demikian tadi contoh-contoh teks dialog dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu praktikkan. Semoga bermanfaat ya.

MG/Kalyca Keysha Alfiani
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