Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh Narrative Text

Minggu, 01 Oktober 2023 - 22:49 WIB
Pengertian, Struktur,...
Narrative text adalah teks yang menceritakan rangkaian peristiwa secara kronologis atau terhubung dan berfungsi untuk menghibur pembaca. Foto/Freepik.
JAKARTA - Narrative text adalah teks yang menceritakan rangkaian peristiwa secara kronologis atau terhubung dan berfungsi untuk menghibur pembaca. Narrative text memiliki beberapa jenis teks yang menarik untuk dibaca, yakni fairy tale, folktale/folklore, legend, myth, science fiction, romance story, horror stories, fable, history, slice of life, dan personal experience.

Selain itu, narrative text juga memiliki generic structure atau struktur yang digunakan dalam membuat sebuah cerita atau narrative text agar tersusun dengan jelas dan menarik.

Struktur dalam Narrative Text

1. Orientation

Orientation merupakan paragraf awal yang berisi tentang perkenalan para tokoh yang terlibat dalam suatu kejadian atau cerita tersebut. Bagian orientation juga berisi tempat dan waktu kejadian.

2. Complication

Complication terdiri atas paragraf yang menjelaskan awal mula peristiwa atau kejadian sehingga tercipta alur cerita dan terbentuk konflik, klimaks serta antiklimaks.

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3. Resolution

Resolution merupakan bagian akhir cerita yang berisi penyelesaian dari sebuah cerita atau kejadian.

4. Re-orientation

Re-orientation tidak wajib ada pada narrative text. Namun, kalimat dalam paragraf ini menceritakan kondisi terakhir dalam tokoh cerita atau pesan moral dari cerita atau kejadian tersebut.

Contoh Narrative Text beserta Strukturnya

1. The Legend of Salatiga


Many years ago there was a very honest sunan. He taught people about the meaning of life and about religion, he is known as Sunan Kalijaga. He traveled to spread his precious lesson. One day, Sunan Kalijaga arrived at a village. Sunan went to the village chief’s house. Then Sunan Kalijaga asked for a job without telling his real name. The wife of the chief said he could help cut the grass. Sunan Kalijaga started working by cutting grass to feed the chief’s horses.


Soon, the chief of the village realized that his employee was Sunan Kalijaga. The chief was extremely surprised. Then he decided to follow the lesson of Sunan Kalijaga. To follow the lesson of Sunan Kalijaga, the chief had to leave everything behind. But the wife didn’t agree so she brought her jewelry in bamboo. When the three of them were taking a rest in a village, a robber approached and took everything from the wife of the chief. Sunan said that this village would be full of people and really busy.


Then Sunan named the place Salatiga which means three wrong people. The three wrong people were the chief, his wife, and also the robber who loves collecting things. And now, this village is known as Salatiga.

2. Fox and A Cat


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One day a cat and a fox were having a conversation. The fox, who was a conceited creature, boasted how clever she was. “Why, I know at least a hundred tricks to get away from our mutual enemies, the dogs,” she said.
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