16 Contoh Report Text Bahasa Inggris Singkat Beserta Artinya
Televisi atau TV adalah salah satu alat komunikasi terpenting umat manusia. Alat ini membawa gambar dan suara dari seluruh dunia ke jutaan rumah. Orang-orang dengan televisi di rumahnya dapat duduk dan menonton banyak orang, tempat, dan benda-benda di tempat yang jauh.
Selain itu, televisi menghadirkan aliran program yang dirancang untuk menghibur pemirsanya. Faktanya, TV menyediakan lebih banyak program hiburan dibandingkan media informasi lainnya. Programnya meliputi drama penuh aksi, komedi ringan, sinetron, acara olahraga, kartun, kuis, variety show, dan film.
Marine turtles are found in most of the world’s oceans, apart from cold polar seas. They tend to spend their lives in relatively shallow continental shelf waters. Once mature, male turtles never leave the sea, but females come ashore to lay eggs, typically on the same sandy beach where they themselves hatched. But we do know at least six of the seven species are at risk of extinction.
Penyu laut ditemukan di sebagian besar lautan dunia, selain lautan kutub yang dingin. Mereka cenderung menghabiskan hidup mereka di perairan landas kontinen yang relatif dangkal. Setelah dewasa, penyu jantan tidak pernah meninggalkan laut, tetapi penyu betina datang ke darat untuk bertelur, biasanya di pantai berpasir yang sama tempat mereka menetas. Tapi kita tahu setidaknya enam dari tujuh spesies terancam punah.
Tigers can live in a wide variety of natural habitats, from forested habitats, grasslands and mangrove swamps to harsh, snowy forests of the Russian Far East. The tiger is the biggest species of cat on the planet.
In Northeast Asia, they tend to be larger with longer hair, while tigers on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, tend to be smaller and are found in tropical rainforests.
Harimau dapat hidup di berbagai habitat alami, mulai dari habitat hutan, padang rumput, dan rawa bakau hingga hutan bersalju yang keras di Timur Jauh Rusia. Harimau adalah spesies kucing terbesar di planet ini.
Di Asia Timur Laut, mereka cenderung lebih besar dengan rambut lebih panjang, sedangkan harimau di pulau Sumatera, Indonesia, cenderung lebih kecil dan banyak ditemukan di hutan hujan tropis.
The Amazon Rainforest, also known as the "Lungs of the Earth," is the largest tropical rainforest on the planet. It spans nine countries in South America, with the majority of the forest located in Brazil.
The Amazon Rainforest is home to an incredibly diverse range of plant and animal species, many of which have not yet been discovered by scientists. It plays a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
However, the Amazon Rainforest is facing severe threats from deforestation, illegal logging, and agricultural expansion. Conservation efforts and sustainable practices are essential to protect this invaluable ecosystem.
Selain itu, televisi menghadirkan aliran program yang dirancang untuk menghibur pemirsanya. Faktanya, TV menyediakan lebih banyak program hiburan dibandingkan media informasi lainnya. Programnya meliputi drama penuh aksi, komedi ringan, sinetron, acara olahraga, kartun, kuis, variety show, dan film.
13. Marine Turtles
Marine turtles are found in most of the world’s oceans, apart from cold polar seas. They tend to spend their lives in relatively shallow continental shelf waters. Once mature, male turtles never leave the sea, but females come ashore to lay eggs, typically on the same sandy beach where they themselves hatched. But we do know at least six of the seven species are at risk of extinction.
Penyu laut ditemukan di sebagian besar lautan dunia, selain lautan kutub yang dingin. Mereka cenderung menghabiskan hidup mereka di perairan landas kontinen yang relatif dangkal. Setelah dewasa, penyu jantan tidak pernah meninggalkan laut, tetapi penyu betina datang ke darat untuk bertelur, biasanya di pantai berpasir yang sama tempat mereka menetas. Tapi kita tahu setidaknya enam dari tujuh spesies terancam punah.
14. Tigers
Tigers can live in a wide variety of natural habitats, from forested habitats, grasslands and mangrove swamps to harsh, snowy forests of the Russian Far East. The tiger is the biggest species of cat on the planet.
In Northeast Asia, they tend to be larger with longer hair, while tigers on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, tend to be smaller and are found in tropical rainforests.
Harimau dapat hidup di berbagai habitat alami, mulai dari habitat hutan, padang rumput, dan rawa bakau hingga hutan bersalju yang keras di Timur Jauh Rusia. Harimau adalah spesies kucing terbesar di planet ini.
Di Asia Timur Laut, mereka cenderung lebih besar dengan rambut lebih panjang, sedangkan harimau di pulau Sumatera, Indonesia, cenderung lebih kecil dan banyak ditemukan di hutan hujan tropis.
15. The Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest, also known as the "Lungs of the Earth," is the largest tropical rainforest on the planet. It spans nine countries in South America, with the majority of the forest located in Brazil.
The Amazon Rainforest is home to an incredibly diverse range of plant and animal species, many of which have not yet been discovered by scientists. It plays a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
However, the Amazon Rainforest is facing severe threats from deforestation, illegal logging, and agricultural expansion. Conservation efforts and sustainable practices are essential to protect this invaluable ecosystem.
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