6 Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris yang Mudah untuk Dipraktikkan

Minggu, 29 Oktober 2023 - 16:27 WIB
Luna : Yeah, I teach students in elementary school.

Dustin : Do you like your work?

Luna : Yes, but sometimes my students don’t listen, it can be very stressful.

Dustin : I know what it’s like, I received a promotion recently. I am a manager and being in charge of other staff can be stressful.

5. Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Pendidikan

Student: “Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. I wanted to ask your opinion about the importance of education in today’s society.”

Teacher: “Hello, that’s a great question. In my opinion, education is incredibly important because it provides individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in life.”

Student: “I definitely agree with that. But do you think formal education, like going to school, is the only way to get a good education?”

Teacher: “Not necessarily. While formal education can provide a structured learning environment, there are many other ways to learn, such as through personal experiences, self-education, and informal learning opportunities.”

Student: “That’s a great point. I think it’s important for individuals to have access to various learning opportunities and to take advantage of them to continue learning and growing.”

6. Teks Dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Hemat Energi

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