Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri, dan Contoh Analytical Exposition Text

Rabu, 11 Oktober 2023 - 07:23 WIB
Baca juga: Unsur Intrinsik dan Ekstrinsik dalam Cerpen dan Contohnya


Fast food contains so many additives. To ensure low-costs, they are made with highly processed ingredients to give extended life, to maintain consistency, and to make it more delicious, the original healthy form has to be altered. Calories in fast food do not damage health, but chemical additives do such as monosodium glutamate and aspartame. Studies show that fast food contains chemical additives. Thus, there is absolutely no nutrition in fast food. Fast food only satisfies hunger and cravings.

Conclusion: In conclusion, fast food is not good for our health.

5. Contoh Teks 5


Do you agree with the saying that music is one of the most important aspects of our lives? Yes, I agree. Music definitely has a significant role in our daily activities. There are several reasons why music is everywhere. First of all, music is a way to express what we feel For instance, when we fall in love, we tend to listen to love songs. Another example is when we feel sad, we would listen to melancholy music, and sometimes we purposefully immerse ourselves in our emotion. it also happens when we are happy, we tend to choose cheerful songs.


Secondly, mussic helps us to reminisce about past experiences. A person's favorite song could act as a documentary for that person People with impaired brain function, like Alzheimer's, would remember the details of songs they are familiar with For instance, an elderly woman who couldn't even remember her husband's name would remember the details of how her favorite song influenced her feelings. When she listened to the music, she would associate it with the emotion that came along with the music It made the song memorable for her.


Finally, music can motivate people to make significant changes in the world and make it a better place A song with powerful lyrics could move people to do something about the problem implied in the song As an example, we can see it in Michael Jackson's "Heal the World". The lyrics empower the people of the world. So, try to imagine that a world without music would be blan.

MG/Shandya Pricilla
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