Personal Letter: Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contoh

Minggu, 05 November 2023 - 09:50 WIB
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Berikut Contoh Personal Letter Singkat

1. Contoh Personal Letter 1

Jakarta, November 12 2021

Dear Jean,

What is it like there? Still snowy? The weather is still not here, just as hot as when you came here to join the international arts festival a year ago. About your invitation to come to visit you, I am not sure if I can go there. In fact, it’s nearly impossible because I don't think I can afford it. So, why don’t you come here? I’ll show you around my beloved hometown.

Your friend, Lyla

2. Contoh Personal Letter 2

Bandung, 23 Oktober 2022

Dear Shua,

How are you? I hope you're okay. I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be traveling to Seoul next month. I am very happy that my boss accepted my leave request. You know that my job doesn't allow me to take long vacations. So, I will take this opportunity to meet you. You probably don’t have any idea how much I miss you. I can’t wait to meet and hug you.
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