10 Pertanyaan Umum Saat Wawancara Beasiswa Beserta Jawabannya
8. Apa Salah Satu Pencapaian Terbesar dalam Hidupmu?
Gunakan kesempatan ini untuk menjelaskan pencapaian signifikan yang kamu raih. Jelaskan mengapa itu sangat penting bagimu.
Contoh jawaban: “I am a project lead for my university annual event, and I won the Award for Best Leader and Best Department. Earning this award has been one of my proudest moments because, toward the end of the college year, I was unsure to join them until the last call. Battled with my final year thesis and had to lead such a big group of crews to accomplish great event, but we overcame those obstacles and maintained our dedication to produce a beautiful and impactful yearly event.”
9. Siapa Role Model Kamu?
Di sini kamu bisa ceritakan seseorang yang punya dampak besar dalam hidupmu. Bisa jadi kerabat, teman, kolega senior, atau artis idola. Kamu harus paham tentang kekaguman kamu ke panutanmu. Dengan cara ini, pewawancara akan dapat melihat bagaimana kamu bisa membawa perspektif positif, dan nilai-nilai yang kamu pegang dari panutanmu.
Contoh jawaban: “I look up to my mother. Her compassion, diligence, and determination make me want to be a better person. She was just building her own business right after married my father at such a young age. My brother was born two year later. However, her early marriage, having a son and running a business did not deter her from getting back on track. She expanded her business, trained her crews, all this while she had to take care of a family. She excellently performs the duties of a boss, wife and a mother. I am inspired and extremely motivated by her sheer determination”
10. Apa Pandangan Kamu tentang Kepemimpinan? Bisakah Anda Ceritakan tentang saat Kamu Mengambil Peran sebagai Pemimpin?
Lembaga pendidikan adalah rumah bagi para pemimpin. Secara alami, mereka mencari kandidat dengan keterampilan kepemimpinan untuk menjadi bagian dari mereka. Pandangan kamu tentang kepemimpinan pada dasarnya harus berakar dari pengalaman. Tapi posisi kamu sebagai seorang pemimpin tidak harus dari kegiatan sekolah, juga tidak harus menjadi posisi hierarkis dalam hal ini. Mungkin sesederhana memikul tanggung jawab saudara kandung dan contoh lainnya.
Contoh jawaban: “I believe that leaders are master educators who evoke the highest qualities of each individual on the team. As an advocate of diversity equality, he/she creates an environment that helps to advance at the individual level to further enhance the growth and effectiveness of work. He/she is a living-proof of dedication, optimism, and patience. At college, I belonged to a learning and participating group assigned as an internal consultant. During my service, I noticed that most members do not have a career plan. Therefore, I provided career coaching for each member to get closer to their dream job. From this experience, I have acquired problem-solving and analysis skills”.
Nah demikian tadi 10 pertanyaan saat wawancara beasiswa beserta jawabannya. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat untukmu ya.
Gunakan kesempatan ini untuk menjelaskan pencapaian signifikan yang kamu raih. Jelaskan mengapa itu sangat penting bagimu.
Contoh jawaban: “I am a project lead for my university annual event, and I won the Award for Best Leader and Best Department. Earning this award has been one of my proudest moments because, toward the end of the college year, I was unsure to join them until the last call. Battled with my final year thesis and had to lead such a big group of crews to accomplish great event, but we overcame those obstacles and maintained our dedication to produce a beautiful and impactful yearly event.”
9. Siapa Role Model Kamu?
Di sini kamu bisa ceritakan seseorang yang punya dampak besar dalam hidupmu. Bisa jadi kerabat, teman, kolega senior, atau artis idola. Kamu harus paham tentang kekaguman kamu ke panutanmu. Dengan cara ini, pewawancara akan dapat melihat bagaimana kamu bisa membawa perspektif positif, dan nilai-nilai yang kamu pegang dari panutanmu.
Contoh jawaban: “I look up to my mother. Her compassion, diligence, and determination make me want to be a better person. She was just building her own business right after married my father at such a young age. My brother was born two year later. However, her early marriage, having a son and running a business did not deter her from getting back on track. She expanded her business, trained her crews, all this while she had to take care of a family. She excellently performs the duties of a boss, wife and a mother. I am inspired and extremely motivated by her sheer determination”
10. Apa Pandangan Kamu tentang Kepemimpinan? Bisakah Anda Ceritakan tentang saat Kamu Mengambil Peran sebagai Pemimpin?
Lembaga pendidikan adalah rumah bagi para pemimpin. Secara alami, mereka mencari kandidat dengan keterampilan kepemimpinan untuk menjadi bagian dari mereka. Pandangan kamu tentang kepemimpinan pada dasarnya harus berakar dari pengalaman. Tapi posisi kamu sebagai seorang pemimpin tidak harus dari kegiatan sekolah, juga tidak harus menjadi posisi hierarkis dalam hal ini. Mungkin sesederhana memikul tanggung jawab saudara kandung dan contoh lainnya.
Contoh jawaban: “I believe that leaders are master educators who evoke the highest qualities of each individual on the team. As an advocate of diversity equality, he/she creates an environment that helps to advance at the individual level to further enhance the growth and effectiveness of work. He/she is a living-proof of dedication, optimism, and patience. At college, I belonged to a learning and participating group assigned as an internal consultant. During my service, I noticed that most members do not have a career plan. Therefore, I provided career coaching for each member to get closer to their dream job. From this experience, I have acquired problem-solving and analysis skills”.
Nah demikian tadi 10 pertanyaan saat wawancara beasiswa beserta jawabannya. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat untukmu ya.